Archives par mot-clé : multiculturalisme

Appel à communications, “Immigrants and Civil Society”, 16th Nordic Migration Research Conference & 9th ETMU Days, Turku


Les appels à communications pour le 16ème Congrès Nordique de Migration et le 9ème Journées d’études d’ETMU qui aura lieu à l’Université de Turku du 13 au 15 août 2012, sont lancés.

La date limite de retour des propositions est fixée au 15 avril 2012.

Le congrès se tiendra en anglais.



The focus of much research of immigrants in the Nordic countries has been on the economic circumstances and state policies regarding migration and integration. Far less attention has been devoted to the role of the institutions of civil society in facilitating or impeding the incorporation of newcomers into Nordic societies. The theme of this conference is intended to be a response to that imbalance in research priorities.

The conference organizers are inviting papers that address issues related to the incorporation of newcomers into receiving societies in the developed world, with special emphasis on the Nordic countries, and on issues related to fair means of inclusion. These topics are broad and can be approached from a variety of thematic and methodological perspectives. Furthermore, the conference also welcomes all proposals within the broader field of ethnic and migration studies.

The closing date for paper proposals is 15 April 2012.
Acceptances of workshop proposals will be announced on 7 May 2012.

Dr. Johanna Leinonen
For any questions regarding registration, payments, or accommodation, please contact the Congress Office.

Paper submission:
The workshops listed below have been accepted in the conference program. The organizers are now soliciting papers for these workshops. The abstracts describing the contents of each workshop can be found here.

1. Changing family formation practices among ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries
2. Childhood and migration in a Nordic context
3. Counting immigrant religions
4. Cultural diversity and education
5. Democracy, resistance, civil society – New platforms and strategies for democratic transformation
6. Differential inclusions in the Nordic societies? Feminist postcolonial and critical migration studies perspectives on immigration
7. Gender, migration and social change
8. Housing and residential segregation of immigrants
9. Immigrants’ access to mass media and civil society: Perspectives from the Nordic countries
10. Immigration and the duty of civility
11. Integration in the intersection of public school and institutions of civil society: A workshop about migrant children’s integration processes
12. International students and civil society
13. Intersections of gender, race and ethnicity: Categorisations and lived experiences
14. Migrants and ethnic minorities in Nordic labour markets
15. Migration, religion, social dynamics
16. Multiculturalism and civic culture
17. Newcomers’ communities in the history of the Nordic region
18. Nurturing human capital: The role of higher education institutions redefined
19. Refugees in the Nordic countries – policy and practice
20. The role of immigrant organizations in the integration process: Historical perspectives
21. Transnationalism and diasporas in a Nordic context
22. What attitudes to scholars from abroad in Nordic Higher Education?

Please submit your paper abstract using the online submission form. Please note than in the submission form you can either select one of the abovementioned workshops or suggest your own workshop idea. In case no workshop is selected or suggested, the organizers will group presentations that fit together thematically.

Conference organizers and partners:
ALPO – Developing Integration in Finland (European Social Fund – Ministry of the Interior)
European Migration Network (Finland)
FiDiPro Project Multiculturalism as a New Pathway to Incorporation (University of Turku)
Institute of Migration (Turku)
Network for Research on Multiculturalism and Societal Interaction (MCNet, University of Turku)
Nordic Migration Research (NMR)
Post-Secular Culture and a Changing Religious Landscape (PCCR, Åbo Akademi)
Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU)


L’annonce complète et le détail des normes de présentation des propositions de contribution se trouvent sur le site de l’ETMU.

Colloque international, “Charles Taylor à 80 ans”, 29-31 mars 2012, Montreal

Le CRÉUM,  avec de nombreux partenaires, organise un colloque international en l’honneur de Charles Taylor à l’occasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire.

Ce colloque regroupera des chercheurs de réputation internationale dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales qui seront réunis pour commenter, comprendre et interpréter l’œuvre de Charles Taylor. Les grands thèmes de celle-ci y seront abordés, du multiculturalisme à l’interprétation de la modernité en passant par la philosophie de l’identité personnelle, la philosophie de l’esprit et du langage, la politique canadienne et la sécularisation. Il est à noter que ce le colloque sera complété par la tenue d’un évènement public portant sur l’engagement public de Taylor sur des enjeux comme l’avenir de la sociale démocratie et la pensée progressiste au Canada, la constitution canadienne, le fédéralisme, les accommodements raisonnables et la gestion de la diversité culturelle.

Ce colloque est co-organisé par Daniel Weinstock (Montreal), Jocelyn Maclure (Laval), Jacob T. Levy (McGill), Pierre-Yves Néron (CRÉUM).


Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal

29-31 mars 2012

L’inscription est gratuite et obligatoire. Pour vous inscrire, prière d’envoyer un courriel avec votre nom et affiliation à l’adresse



Jeudi 29 mars

9 h00 – Introduction : Daniel Weinstock, CRÉUM, Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Political Philosophy

9 h 30 –  Epistemology, philosophy of mind and philosophy of language I

To follow a rule : Lessons from baby logic
Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis)

Self-Interpreting Animals
Evan Thompson (University of Toronto)

Taylor’s Situated Epistemology
Ian Gold (McGill University)

13h30-16h00 Epistemology, philosophy of mind and philosophy of language II

Embodiment and Self-interpretation
Hubert Dreyfus (University of California at Berkeley)

Charles Taylor’s conception of language and the current debate about a theory of meaning
Hans Julius Schneider (University of Potsdam)

Taylor’s Engaged Pluralism
Richard Bernstein (New School for Social Research)


Vendredi 30 mars

9h30-12h00 Religion and modernity

Varieties of Religious and Secular Phenomenological Experiences
José Casanova (Georgetown University)

A Crisis of Secularism ?
Tariq Modood (University of Bristol)

Some (Banal and Boringly Familiar) Thoughts about Secularism
Ronald Beiner (University of Toronto)

TBA, Jeanne Bethke Elshtain (University of Chicago)

13h30-15h00 Moral agency and the Self I

What is Wrong with Positive Liberty : The Struggles of Agency in a Non-Ideal World
John Christman (Penn State University)

What’s Right With Positive Liberty : Agency, Autonomy, and the Other
Nancy Hirschmann (University of Pennsylvania)

13h15-16h30 The interpretation of modernity I

Social Imaginaries, Human Action, and History
Craig Calhoun (New York University/London School of Economics)

The Telos of Modernity
Jacob Levy (McGill University)

16h30-18h00 The interpretation of modernity II

Whatever Happened to the Ontic Logos ?
Michael Rosen (Harvard University)

The Fragility of Things : Fullness, Vitality and the Contemporary Condition
William Connolly (Johns Hopkins University)

Soirée : événement public célébrant l’engagement public de Charles Taylor


Samedi 31 mars

9h30-12h00 Moral agency and the Self II

Self-creation or self-discovery ?
K. Anthony Appiah (Princeton University)

Reflective Equilibrium and Degrees of Abstraction in Moral Theory
Joseph Heath (University of Toronto)

Charles Taylor and ethical naturalism
Nigel DeSouza (University of Ottawa)

13h30- 16h00Political philosophy, recognition and multiculturalism

Protecting Freedom of Conscience in the Secular Age
Cécile Laborde (University College, London)

The Multiple Social Imaginaries of Modern Indian secularism
Rajeev Bhargava (Delhi/Center for the Study of Developing Societies)

“Exercises in Retrieval” : Taylor as a Thinker of Historical Transitions
Paolo Costa, (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)

TBA Michele Moody-Adams (Columbia University)

16h15 -18h30 Canadian politics

Charles Taylor on Deep Diversity
James Tully (University of Victoria)

Cultural Differences, Languages, Perspicuous Contrasts, and Recognition
Jeremy Webber (University of Victoria)

Démocratie, diversité et inclusion
Dominique Leydet (Université du Québec à Montréal)

18h30 : Charles Taylor : closing remarks


Voir aussi:
La page consacrée à l’événement sur le site du CREUM