Shane O’Neill donnera, vendredi prochain, une conférence intitulée “Struggles against Injustice and the Question of Political Violence”.
Date :
Vendredi 10 octobre 2014, 14h-16h30
Lieu :
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Bâtiment D, salle 201b
Comment venir ? par le train et le RER
Plan du campus de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Abstract :
In this presentation, I will investigate a significant problem in contemporary critical theory, namely its failure to address effectively the possibility that a campaign of political violence may be a legitimate means of fighting grave injustice. First, I will offer a working definition of ‘political violence’ before exploring some reasons as to why, save for some passing remarks, neither Jürgen Habermas nor Axel Honneth have addressed this issue directly. This will lead me to draw on just war theory to set out five relevant considerations that provide a starting point in articulating an appropriately stringent test for claims that support violent action against injustice.
Shane O’Neill est professeur de théorie politique et il dirige la faculté “Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences” de la Queen’s University de Belfast. Ses recherches portent sur la théorie critique contemporaine (Habermas et Honneth), les débats suscités par la libéralisme politique rawlsien, la question des demandes de reconnaissance dans un contexte de diversité nationale (comme en Irlande du nord) et les interactions de la philosophie et des sciences sociales.
Il a récemment publié:
- ‘Conflict and Peace in Northern Ireland: A Critical-Theoretical Interpretation’ W B Yeats Lectures 2013 (University of Sao Paulo 2014)
- ‘Recognition Beyond the State’ in Global Justice and the Politics of Recognition, Anthony Burns and Simon Thompson (eds), (Palgrave Macmillan 2013), pp. 128-142
- Recognition Theory as Social Research: Investigating the Dynamics of Social Conflict (Palgrave Macmillan 2012), edited with Nicholas H. Smith.
- ‘The Politics of Ethno-National Conflict Regulation’ in Recognition Theory as Social Research, Shane O’Neill and Nicholas H. Smith (eds) (Palgrave Macmillan 2012), pp.149-173
- ‘Humanism and Social Hope’ in Thinking towards Humanity, Eve Garrard and Steve de Wijze (eds) (Manchester University Press 2012), pp. 198-210
- After the Nation? Critical Reflections on Nationalism and Postnationalism (Palgrave Macmillan 2010), edited with Keith Breen.