I. Ouvrages
Friedman Jonathan et Rowlands Michael (dir.), The Evolution of Social Systems, Londres, Geral Duckworth & Co, 1979.
Friedman Jonathan, System, Structure and Contradiction in the Evolution of “Asiatic” Social Formations (1979), Walnut Creek, Altamira Press, 1998.
Friedman Jonathan et Lash Scott (dir.), Modernity and Identity, Blackwell, Oxford, 1992.
Hasager Ulla et Friedman Jonathan (dir.), Hawaii – Return to Nationhood. Document 75, Copenhague, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs.
Friedman Jonathan (dir.), Consumption and Identity, Londres, Harwood Academic Press, 1994.
Friedman Jonathan, Cultural Identity and Global Process, London, Sage, 1994.
Carrier James et Friedman Jonathan, Melanesian Modernities, Lund, Lund University Press, 1996.
Denemark Robert, Friedman Jonathan, Gills Barry, Modelski George (dir.), World System History: The Social Science of Long-Term Change, Londres, Routledge, 2000.
Friedman Jonathan (dir.), Globalization, the State and Violence, Walnut Creek, Altamira Press, 2003.
Friedman Jonathan et Randeria Shalini (dir.), Worlds on the Move: Globalization, Migration and Cultural Security, London, Tauris, 2004.
Chase-Dunn Christopher et Friedman Jonathan (dir.), Hegemonic Declines: Past and Present, Boulder, Paradigm Press, 2005.
James Paul et Friedman Jonathan (dir.), Globalization and Violence, Vol. 3: Globalizing War and Intervention, Londres, Sage, 2006.
Ekohlm Friedman Kajsa et Friedman Jonathan, The Anthropology of Global Systems: Historical Transformations and Global Process, Walnut Creek, Altamira Press, 2008.
Ekohlm Friedman Kajsa et Friedman Jonathan, The Anthropology of Global Systems: Modernities, Class and the Contradictions of Globalization, Walnut Creek, Altamira Press, 2008.
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II. Articles
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IV. Travaux sur Jonathan Friedman
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Jérémy Lemarié (30 juin 2015). Zoom sur… Jonathan Friedman. Le Carnet du Sophiapol. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/uhd6