Call for papers: “Crisis, Critique and Change”, European Sociological Association, 11th Conference, 28-31 August 2013, Torino


The European Sociological Association will held its 11th Conference in Torino, on August 28-31, 2013. The theme, Crisis, Critique and Change, will be explored through four sessions: Mid-day Specials, Research Networks, Research Streams and PhD Workshop.

28-31 August 2013.

Abstracts can only be submitted online no later than 1st of February 2013 to the submission platform at: Abstracts sent by email cannot be accepted.
Decisions will be made early April 2013.

Torino, Italy.


Authors are invited to submit their abstract either to the general session (open) or any specific session. Please submit each abstract only to one session. After abstract evaluation, coordinators will have the chance to transfer papers between sessions where applicable.
Abstracts should not exceed 1750 characters (including spaces, approximately 250 words). Each paper session will have the duration of 1.5 hours. Normally sessions will include 4 papers.

The information requested during abstract submission include:
– name(s), affiliation(s) and email of all the author(s);
– contact details of presenting author (postal address, and telephone in addition to email);
– title of proposed presentation;
– up to 4 keywords (optional).

Submitting authors will receive an email of acknowledgement of successful submission receipt. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selected for presentation by the relevant Research Network or Research Stream; the letter of notification will be sent by the conference software system in early April 2013. Each author cannot submit more than two abstracts (as first author).

Crisis, Critique and Change

Topics are numerous and are organized in four sessions.

Session 1: Mid-day specials
– EU Zone: Which Crisis? Views and Experiences from Different European Regions
– Critique and Crisis

Session 2: Research Networks
Ageing in Europe; Sociology of the Arts; Biographical Perspectives on European Societies; Sociology of Children and Childhood; Sociology of Consumption; Critical Political Econom; Sociology of Culture; Disaster, Conflict and Social Crisis; Economic Sociology; Sociology of Education; Sociology of emotions; Environment and Society; Sociology of families and intimate lives; Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare State; Global, transnational and cosmopolitan sociology; Sociology of Health and Illness; Work, Employment and Industrial Relations;  Sociology of Communications and Media Research; Sociology of Professions; Qualitative Methods; Quantitative Methods; Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty; Sexuality; Science and Technology; Social Movements; Sociology of Social Policy; Regional Network on Southern European Societies; Society and Sports; Social Theory; Youth and Generatio; Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism; Political Sociology; Women’s and Gender Studies; Sociology of Religion; Sociology of Migration; Sociology of Transformations: East and West.

Session 3: Research Streams
Arts Management; Capitalist Crises, Critique of Growth and the Perspectives for a Post-Growth Society; Coping with Employment Crisis: Partnerships as the Facilitative Mechanisms; Culture, Conflicts and Public Memory; Digital Citizenship; Disability and Society; Field Theory; Gendering Varieties of Capitalism and Varieties of Gender Regimes; Maritime Sociology; Power and Communication in Time of Crisis; Sociology of Celebration; Urban Sociology and Public Spaces

Session 4: PhD Workshop
The ESA will offer a pre-conference PhD Workshop for doctoral students coming from European Universities. The PhD students who belong to ESA or will become members of ESA are welcomed to apply to the PhD Workshop. We will select 24 PhD students for the course. ESA will give funding to these selected students. The theme of the Workshop follows the theme of the conference Crisis, Critique and Change.

Abstracts should not exceed 7000 characters (including spaces, approximately 1000 words). Make sure that the abstract includes description of the research project (no thematic restriction), phase of the research, to which University the dissertation will be delivered and name(s) of the supervisor(s). Include a CV (max. 3 pages).

Information and details:
Download the call for paper of the conference in pdf.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jérémy Lemarié (18 janvier 2013). Call for papers: “Crisis, Critique and Change”, European Sociological Association, 11th Conference, 28-31 August 2013, Torino. Le Carnet du Sophiapol. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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