Call for papers: “Diaspora : Invented Traditions in Contemporary Religion and Spirituality”, 28-29 May 2013, Tel Aviv

Call for Papers : The 5th Israeli Conference for the Study of Contemporary Religion and Spirituality. This year’s conference will be hosted by the Program in Religious Studies at Tel Aviv University, and will bear an international character. We welcome researchers as well as graduate students who wish to display papers in English.

28-29 May 2013

These should be sent no later than 15 December 2012 to,  addressed to Mr. Shai Feraro – conference coordinator.
Decisions will be e-mailed by the end of January 2013.

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Proposal forms for symposia or presentations in English can be downloaded from the conference’s website (

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Since 2009, The Israeli Conference for the Study of Contemporary Religion and Spirituality constitutes an annual interdisciplinary framework for the presentation of relevant research, in a variety of disciplines – the humanities, social sciences, exact sciences, and more.

Keynote lectures will be given in English by:
Prof. Ronald Hutton (University of Bristol, UK)
Prof. Jeffrey J. Kripal (Rice University, USA)
Prof. James R. Lewis (University of Tromso, Norway)

Our suggested theme for the forthcoming conference will be: Invented Traditions in Contemporary Religion and Spirituality.
This theme should not by any means limit any other research topic relevant to the study of Contemporary Religion and Spirituality, such as psychological aspects of religion and spiritualism, spiritualism and alternative medicine, gender and feminism, spiritualism and business, East-West encounters, Jewish spiritualism, contemporary Cabala, etc.

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Conference’s committee chairpersons:  Prof. Ron Margolin (Tel Aviv University), Dr. Isaac Lubelsky (Tel Aviv University).
Academic committee members (in alphabetical order): Dr. J.H. (Yossi) Chajes (University of Haifa), Prof. Yoav Elstein (Bar Ilan University), Prof. Boaz Huss (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), Prof. David Katz (Tel Aviv University), Prof. James R. Lewis (University of Tromso), Mr. Tomer Persico (Tel Aviv University), Dr. Marianna Ruah-Midbar (Zefat Academic College), Prof. Sara Sviri (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem).

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jérémy Lemarié (4 novembre 2012). Call for papers: “Diaspora : Invented Traditions in Contemporary Religion and Spirituality”, 28-29 May 2013, Tel Aviv. Le Carnet du Sophiapol. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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